20 Positive Affirmations For Kids For Their Well Being

positive affirmations for kids

Positive affirmations for kids can play a vital role in developing a kids self esteem. Years back in my life I have learnt how magical positive affirmations work in someone’s life. Few words of positivity works like a daily dose of nutrients for our emotional well being. Specially if someone is dealing with negative thoughts, positive affirmations work like a ray of hope spreading the light of life.

I wish I had found them much earlier. But I am happy I can share the positivity with my readers who are parents and for themselves too to radiate love and hope all around. So in this post I am going to pen down 20 positive affirmations for kids to create a strong foundation for their life.

Why positive affirmations for kids are important?

Children are like clay that can be molded in any shape. And I am sure parents want their children to be positive and have a strong mind set. But this cannot be done in a day, this is a process that should be executed very early in one’s life. Children absorbs all the words and phrases they hear around them be it positive or negative. And they frame themselves according to that. Therefore it is very important to be mindful while choosing the words for our conversation.

Positive affirmations for kids are simple positive words or phrases we use for them on daily basis to instill the positivity in them. So that they can start believing on themselves and have faith on them to lead a happy life. Positive affirmations help children to cope up with life challenges and live fully each moment. It strengthens their inner self and make them more confident.

How to use positive affirmations for children to boost their self esteem?

Consistency is the key to achieve the benefits of positive affirmations for kids. Just inculcate the affirmations in your child’s daily life as a daily reminder to positivity and success. There are many ways to use positive affirmations like:-

1) Stick positive affirmation cards on your child’s desk wall.

2) Write something positive daily on your child’s whiteboard.

3) Keep a note of positive affirmation on his study table.

4) Frame some positive affirmations printable and hang it on your child’s bedroom wall.

5) Encourage your child to maintain a journal and write positive phrases.

positive affirmations for kids

You may like to read :- 10 Ways To Raise A Happy Child

List of positive affirmations for kids to use everyday for their well being

1. I believe in myself.

3. I am special.

5. I can make others smile.

7. Its okay to fail and try again from scratch .

9. I am capable.

11. I can dream big and have the power to make them true.

13. I am special.

15. I am worthy of love.

17. Every day is new day with new opportunities.

19. I am strong to face the challenges of life.

positive affirmation for kids

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