Boredom is a state of mind that every human goes through many times. It is a state of empty feelings. Some days you don’t feel like going out and while at home, you are just walking from bedroom to couch to kitchen and get bored. When you are bored it is not that you are tired, you have energy, but you lack focus and nowhere to use your energy. We can’t delete boredom from our lives but in this post there are 30 Fun Things To Do when Bored At Home.
So next time when you are at home and feeling bored, don’t just pick your phone and scroll social media. Check this list to do some fun things at home with no to little cost and few materials. It will stimulate your body and will make you feel high on mood. So let’s move on to the list of things to do when bored at home.
List of fun activities to do when bored at home
1. Start Doodling. Recently doodling has been my favourite pass time. I just love to doodle anywhere anytime. Doodling is an art of creating random images that comes to our mind and that makes it enjoyable. Researchers have found that doodling aids to power of creativity. It acts as therapy that help us to release stress and anxiety. It will be really fun to doodle during your free time and that will make you feel relaxed.
Just a get a doodling book and some gel colors pen to fill colors.
2. Try Hand lettering. It is also a form of art where can build your creativity skill by designing of lettering styles. Trying new hand lettering allows you to slow down and enjoy the moment. It help us to come down and feel good. You can choose hand lettering as a hobby, Jennie’s letters have floated many benefits of hand lettering as a hobby.
Get this hand lettering book, so that next time when you are bored you can use your energy in creating something that will relaxing as well productive for you.

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3. Cook some new food. Food is something that you cannot live without. So trying a new recipe can be a great stress buster and a great way to kill your boredom too. When you cook some new recipe, you read about that recipe, you learn more about the origin of the food. So this way you learn so many things around the world, different cuisines and cultures. And when you cook yourself and you are responsible to add the ingredients to your dishes then it will motivate you to eat healthy and balanced meal.
4. Solve a puzzle. This is one activity that everyone loves to do when they are bored. when you are bored, you start feeling low. So solving a puzzle will not only helpful for brain development, it also uplift our mood. As brain releases dopamine on every success we achieve during solving a puzzle.
5. Solve Rubik’s Cube. Solving Rubik’s Cube improves your brain muscles, memory power and many more. Though it is hard to solve Rubik’s Cube but it is very much addictive. Once you get it in your hand, it will be hard to leave that cube piece and so it must be in your list to do things when you are bored.
6. DIY. These days DIY is very know term that stands for DO IT Yourself. It involves the activity of doing, decorating, making or creating anything by yourself. It is the outburst of your talent of creating something from scratch. Though you can get many DIY projects from markets or online, get them and create something new. This will surely give you a feel of happiness and satisfaction.
7. Count the cash in your piggy bank. This sounds so silly but try this activity once at home if you or your kids have a piggy bank full of coins. When you start segregating and counting the coins in your piggy bank, your mind get so much involved in it that you forgot the feel of boredom.
8. Increase your typing speed or if you don’t know to type learn how to type. As typing is one of the most important skill these days to work or communicate with your clients and customers. There are many typing games available where you can increase your typing speed while having fun.
9. Make your wish-list. We have so many dreams and desires to fulfill in our lives. So if you are bored and getting nothing to do, just think about your dreams. Create your wish-list that you want to do or get later in life.
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10. Try some balloon twisting and make some new shapes. It is really fun to enjoy kid’s activities.

11. Memorize the lyrics of some songs that you keep whistling and you will see it will engage you in a quite positive way. It will uplift your mood.
12. Learn a new language. There is no age for learning, it is always good to learn something new everyday. So use your time with some activities that you will enjoy and aids your productivity too. Learning a new language helps us in many ways. And it is nothing much tough, you can easily learn a new language in Duolingo.
13. Play an instrument. Another creative thing to do if you are bored at home. Playing an instrument reduces your stress, builds your confidence and also helps you to be patient.
14. Do some new hair styles. It is always fun to experiment new hair styles and enjoy your new look.
15. Virtual Tour. Every time it is not possible to plan a trip, so go to Google Maps and explore the places that are your dream destinations without spending a single piece of penny. You can also learn about many states and countries.
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16. Dance on your favourite music. Dancing improves both mental and physical health. This fun filled physical activity helps to ease anxiety and lift our mood instantly.
17. Plan the gifts. During holidays or festive season we present gifts to our family and friends but most of the time due to lack of time we can’t think of buying some meaningful and good gifts. So during your free time make a list of whom you have to give gifts and what are you planning to give them.
18. Do some Nail Art. You will get many videos online that will help you the way to do some easy nail art. So try some easy and interesting nail art at home and flaunt your stylish nails after that.
19. Apply Facesheet If you are bored and don’t feel like doing anything then simply apply a facesheet on your face and relax. And after few minutes you will love your fresh and pampered skin.

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20. Create your own mocktail. When you have time and getting bored then try to have some fun experiments with mocktails. Create your own signature mocktails with some unique ingredients. If it comes out as hit you can again serve to your guests next time. So try some new mocktails and enjoy.

21. See your old photo album. This is one of my favourite thing to do when I am bored. I always treasure the memories. Everyone will love to visit the memory lane as we are so busy in our lives that we forget so many things. The photo albums give us a reason to cherish and a smile on our face.
Always store your pictures as hard copy in a photo album, you will love to see them more than the soft copy of pictures stored in your hard drive.

22. Do Manicure/Pedicure. Sometimes it is good to pamper yourself and do some self-care activities. So when you are bored you can do manicure and pedicure and flaunt your well groomed feet and hands.
23. Give a new look to your room. Sometimes our surrounding also make us feel bored, so if it is happening to you then its time to give a makeover to your room. If you have no budget issue then you can get some new accessories or furniture for your room. Otherwise don’t get disheartened, it is not necessary to go overboard to give new look to your room. Just change the bedspread with some bright colors, put some fresh flowers in the vase. These little changes can instantly make you feel bright and happy.
24. Update your resume. Yes you are reading right, if you are really bored then find your resume from laptop/PC and update that with your new skills. This is one thing that we never remember to do until it is urgent so its better to use your free time productively.
25. Read a biography There are many inspiring people around the world, so spend your time in reading about some inspiring leaders of the world. These habits indeed lead to a very positive lifestyle.
26. Clean your inbox or phone memory. We receive a lot of messages & emails daily, and few of them are never opened also. They just keep stacking in our email or phone memory and starts creating a mess. So use your time and start cleaning your phone and email with all those unnecessary messages and pictures.
27. Prepare your meal plan for the week. Meal planning is something that takes more time than cooking as we keep wondering what to cook at the time of cooking during the rush hours of weekdays. It adds to your anxiety, to skip this, you can prepare the meal plan for the entire coming week. As you have enough time you can plan it properly by noting down what stuffs you have and what to buy. Proper meal planning not only help you to save time and eat healthy, it also saves your money.
28. Give new look to your old clothes. You can do some experiments with your old clothes that you don’t wear much now. It is really fun to give new look to your not much used old clothes. Like take a full sleeves shirt that you don’t wear now, cut the sleeves and make the length short. And you get a sleeveless crop top. Try it, I am sure you will enjoy doing this.
29. Organize your documents. In this digital era, we forget about the paper documents that are very much important. So when you have time, organize your all important documents in proper holders and files so that when you need them urgently, you don’t get tensed to find them.
30. Learn about kitchen garden. It is great to experience the joy of homegrown foods. While writing this I am also planning to learn some kitchen gardening tips and tricks as I am very poor in it. So produce your own veggies and enjoy its benefits. And gardening is a great stress buster too.

I wish I had time to be bored, lol! But these are some fun suggestions!
I enjoyed this list because it covered all types of activities. They don’t all require you to have to buy something and can be done as a group or by yourself. It is a thoughtful list that can be used to brain storm even more activities. It actually is a great foundation to create a monthly or seasonal bucket list. Thank you for sharing!
Such a good list. We do many of these when we’re bored.
Great ideas here! I actually homeschool, so several of these will work for us.