In this era of cloud computing where everyone is busy running without knowing the finishing line. And dragging the little ones too in this race. Sometimes people forget the real world as they are so much indulge in the virtual world, where pictures are more important to showcase than creating a memory.
And in all these circumstances kids are loosing their childhood. They are forgetting that childhood is a journey which should be in slow pace. Adults need some “me time” to relax but they forget kids also want some free play time. It is not necessary to buy costly play items for the kids. Spending double the time than money is much more important.
Children are like wet clay. We can mould them in any shape. So it is our responsibility to give them the best shape .
Parenting is not a competition to win a trophy. Trying to be a perfect parent is not necessary. Its ok if our kids too don’t win the trophy. We should learn as well as teach them that giving our best is enough.
We should strictly avoid comparing two kids. Comaparison creates a feeling of hatred and jealousy among the innocent hearts. Kids are to be appreciated and constant encouragment should be there to instill strong will power.
Let’s make some joyous, cheery and bright memories for our kids so that they will have a blissful life.