How To Deal With Motherhood Depression?

Deal with motherhood depression

A mother is like the captain of a ship, she is the one, who sets the tone of the home. But she has her dark nights too. There are millions of mothers who suffer from depression but overlook their symptoms while managing their kids’ tantrums. According to WHO more women are affected than men. If you are a mom and reading this post and can relate to yourself then believe me you are not alone. And you are not born to carry a load of depression with you. Being a mother, I have learned from my experiences that depression is something that can be taken care of. So in this article, I will share do’s and don’t to deal with motherhood depression.

Is it normal to be tired of being mom?

deal with motherhood depression

The answer is “yes” to the question and it is quite normal. Before we jump to the chapter on dealing with motherhood depression, we should know the root cause of it. When you become a mom and from day one you are expected to be promoted to the position of Supermom from being a simple woman. Your two hands receive a lot of responsibilities and you forget yourself as a woman. A mom starts to think that she has to do all the things single hand and that too without being late or wrong.

And this struggle of meeting the expectations of being a super mom makes a mom feel overwhelmed. She starts ignoring herself and gets tired physically and mentally too. The fatigue in her makes her feel annoyed about being a mom and suffers from mom guilt. She gets tired of parenting and this leads to motherhood depression.

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Ways To Deal With Motherhood Depression

No doubt motherhood gives us plenty of moments of pure joy and laugh. As a mom experiences tough time too that doesn’t mean you can enjoy being a mother. Always keep hope and positive attitude towards life and believe there is solution to every single problem on the earth. So dealing with motherhood depression is not anything impossible. Here are the list of ways that you must do whenever you feel something is pulling you back to enjoy your life.

Have Communication

Studies show communication solve many problems. It is necessary to communicate with your partner and let each other know how everything is going on each other’s lives. Life is so busy that we forget to ask simple things like how is everything going and keep on doing routine chores without having any conversations. Healthy communication with our loved ones releases the stress level and we feel much relaxed.

Never Skip The Meal Time

This thing happens specially with new moms but its okay have change in routine but it is never good to overlook you health. Skipping meal can really affect your health in long run, and in a way you will be setting a wrong example to your kid of being ignorant to health. A child is healthy when his mom is healthy to take care of him. So never skip meals, make it a habit to enjoy your meals with your kids.

You Don’t Need To Be Perfect

Children does not want perfect mother, they even don’t know what does it mean to be perfect mom. They just want their mom to be happy and loving. If you get this, the journey will be very easy. Never carried away by the judgements of people around you and there is nothing that is termed as perfect mother. In the run of achieving perfection we loose ourselves, and become hopeless that results in depression. So stay away from this myth and be loving to your child, this is the only thing kids want from their moms.

Go Out Once In A Day

Household chores are never ending until and unless you leave them and step out. And being occupied with mundane chores for the entire day can be tiring and overwhelming too. Don’t get your energy full drained out, so go out for a walk or just simply sit and enjoy the outside weather. This is indeed a great stress buster. Spending some time outside is not only good for kids but mommies too to deal with motherhood depression.

Don’t Hesitate To Share Your Feelings

Most moms share positive things about their partner and kids but feel insecure to share their negative emotions. And carry the load forever in their heart. It is high time to realize that mothers may feel bad some days. And nothing wrong with it but you should not hesitate to share your negative emotions with your partner or close friends. Sharing your feelings will help you to feel light-hearted. Every day you can’t give your best but it is fine you can share your feelings with your kids too. They are so innocent and very caring too. They will give you unconditional love and support that can surely cheer you up.

Love Yourself

This is the most common mistake a mom does, they are so much into their motherhood that they forget their inner selves. Don’t forget to love yourself, you can’t pour anything from an empty cup so fill your cup first. You deserve love, care, support and pamper too, so why being hard on ourselves. Love yourself, stay happy and then only you can raise a happy child.


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