30 Random Acts of kindness Ideas That You can Do

Random Acts Of Kindness

What areĀ Random Acts Of Kindness? The feeling of being kind and compassionate towards other people and doing something for them selflessly. Yes, it is so simple but sometimes we take the task of being selfless so hard. Being selfless will not make you do harsh things for yourself but it will make you feel more content and happy. We are so busy in our lives that we juggle our tasks. And somehow we forget that our little effort can have a huge impact on someone else’s life.

Research has proved that being kind makes you happy. A small gesture of kindness can have a positive impact on your health and mind. As because your acts of kindness increase the levels of serotonin and dopamine in your brain that gives you a happy feeling. So it’s like a benefit for both ways. Your random acts of kindness can bring a big smile to someone’s face. So try to dedicate a tiny amount of time from your entire day to brighten up someone’s day.

It is true that someone alone cannot change the whole world but your one little act of kindness may inspire other people to do more acts of kindness and this way it may pass from person to person. And we can hope for a better world someday. Mother Teresa said, ” We feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” So we should always try to give some selfless love and concern to other people. So let’s start doing some random acts of kindness from today and here are some ideas to help you.

Random Acts Of Kindness Day

Random Acts Of Kindness day is celebrated on 17th February to encourage the act of kindness. The main motto of celebrating this day is to make the world brighter and put smiles on the faces of more people each day through our kind gestures, words, and actions. So 17th February is coming soon, Let’s celebrate Random Acts Of Kindness day by doing any of the random acts of kindness listed below and make the world a happier place to live.

Random acts of kindness

30 Ideas Of Acts Of Kindness to make the world more better place

1. People love to hear good words about them, so spend some of your time to compliment the people around you. The good words will not take much of your effort but it will surely make their day more bright and happier.

2. Make a call to person you know suffering from sickness or depression and just talk to them to make them feel light.

3. Make a meal for any elderly couple and surprise them.

4. Say thank you to the people who work hard to make your our life easy like soldiers, police officers, doctors, teachers, helpers, trash-man, postman, domestic helpers e.t.c.

5. Feed birds and stray animals as much as you can.

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6. Remember the amazing people of your life and share a cute photo of them and write a note of how amazing they are.

7. Say thank you to our mother earth by planting as much plants as you can. As we know how important are trees for us, so stay green and stay healthy.

Acts of kindness

8. Help an elderly person to cross the road if they find it difficult.

9. Make tea/coffee for your friends and call them for a tea party.

10. Give your less used clothes to needy people around you.

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11. Praise a parent or teacher for their hard work to raise a child.

12. Be kind to nature and keep the environment clean, use dustbins to dispose garbage.

13. Hold the lift for a person running towards it, may be he/she is in emergency.

14. Thank your teacher with a gift which she will really adore.

Ideas of random acts of kindness

15. Listen to someone who just want to be listened, sometimes people don’t want suggestion they just want to share their feelings.

16. Offer your seat to someone in public transport who really need to sit.

17. Take your cloth bags while going for grocery, mother earth will surely thank you for this act of kindness.

18. You should not forget to make calls to your parents and grandparents, they wait for long time for your few minutes of call.

19. Stop the car when an elderly pedestrian trying to cross the road, wait so that they can cross the road safely.

20. Always leave a tip for the person who served you in the restaurant.

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21. Engage your kids in community service, this will help them to be kind and gentle.

22. Make a handmade card with handwritten message for your loved ones.

23. Help a tourist in your city to find directions and share them some extra knowledge about your city.

24. Buy a small gift for someone without any reason.

25. Make someone laugh, it is indeed a great act of kindness these days. Share some funny jokes and messages and make people laugh for some time.

26. Introduce yourself first, don’t wait for the person to talk. Never hesitate to start the conversation.

27. Call a friend or relative and ask them how are they, don’t wait for their turn to call.

28. Donate blankets and winter clothes to homeless people during winter.

29. Send fresh flowers to your grandparents, parents or teacher and leave a smile on their face that will be priceless for you.

30. Lastly, but most important be kind to yourself and your kindness will inspire others to be kind and so this act of kindness will pass from one another.

If you really want to be kind, you will get many opportunities to do the random acts of kindness. And this will make both of your lives happier and brighter. Your every small effort of help will have a great impact on someone else’s life. The world will be more happier place to live if everyone become kind and compassionate towards other. There are several ways to bring smile on someone’s face, we just need the will to make this happen.

I hope you enjoyed reading this list of kindness ideas. Please share your thoughts or acts of kindness that you would like to add to this list.


  1. Bill

    Let’s spread more kindness in this world through these small acts of kindness. I love to buy small things for my wife even without any celebration or reason. He loves it.

  2. Heatherkleinwolf

    I did not know that there was a random acts of kindness day. I’m going to circle it on my calendar so the whole family knows

  3. Millie

    These are great suggestions. I think it’s especially important to be kind after two years of living in a pandemic. There are so many people still suffering in isolation and would love any of these random acts of kindness.

  4. Rosey

    Yes to being nice to people! We have deans who take care of all our big discipline problems at school. People always grouch about them but I’m like hello, let’s be taking care of these people who make our lives so much easier!


    This is such a lovely post. I try to do things daily where I can and as many as I can squeeze in. You’ve got some great suggestions there. Some I’ve never thought to do.

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